
r. pr. Anna Fonfara
- the founder of the Legal Office
- entered into the list of attorneys-at-law at Kielce Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law
- legal and administrative studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
Expertise: family law, civil disputes (property division, inheritance), property law, self-government law (including local authorities), labour and social security law, redress and compensation for traffic accidents
Telefon: +48 608 432 951
r. pr. Łukasz Fonfara
- entered into the list of attorneys-at-law at Kielce Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law,
- legal studies at the University in Wrocław
- German Law studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin
- Erasmus Scholarship at Christian-Albrechts-Univesität zu Kiel (Germany)
Expertise: companies law, government procurement law, contract law, labour law, association law.
Telefon: +48 600 381 726

r. pr. Joanna Fonfara
- entered into the list of attorneys-at-law at Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law
Expertise: civil and commercial law, intelectual property law, court representation, consumer law.
Telefon:+48 509 478 610
r. pr. Mateusz Fonfara
- entered into the list of attorneys-at-law at Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law
- legal and English Philology studies at the University in Wrocław
Expertise: family law, labour law, commercial law, intellectual property law, debt collection, court representation.
Telefon: +48 692 020 499

M. Fonfara - Sponsorship Agreement - Interview/Umowa sponsorska - Wywiad, Cosmetic Reporter IX-XII 2016, nr 3/4
Ł. Fonfara, R. Fonfara - Kontrasygnata skarbnika, Dwytugodnik Wspólnota 5 grudnia 2009
Ł. Fonfara - The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union as an Act of Constitutional Nature in: Human Rights within the European Union (Hrsg. Tobias Gries, Ralf Alleweldt), Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag